TeamReach - Your Team App Q&A: Tips, Tricks, Solutions


  • ★ TeamReach - Your Team App
  • ★ 2018-03-29
  • ★ Questions & Answers


Add Your Own Ideas, Strategies, Hints and Tricks:

Answer the questions:

As a leader I changed someone from Member to Leader but all it says is PENDING APPROVAL - How do I remedy that & 'approve'. Not clear

How do I set up a Poll on TR?

Is there a limit to the number of leaders you can have in Group? I have 3 but on an additional 3 I added it just shows as “Leader Request” next to their names - why?

How to do a private message on iphone.

How do I find a closed group?

How do I add my cell number so it appears with my name?

How do I put in a participant limit on an already created event. I know how to do it on a new event, but can't find how on established events

Edit the event, select the Date & Time section, tap the Participant Limit button to turn on the limit. Set the number as needed.


how do I limit number of participants


I am a Leader and can not find a way. Wish our club would have chosen a better app.


Don’t kniw how to


The only way I have found to do this is to edit each event (single occurance) then go to the date/time section and click the Participant Limit button.


Can you like a comment on a post? Not the original post but once people have commented on it.

Can I remove "Maybe" from the choices? We want just "Yes" or "No".

How do you mean move your favorite team to the top if you are on several Teamreach teams? Thank you1

Is there a way to have a number pop up on the icon do you know there is a message in case you didn’t hear the alert sound? Like in text msgs a number is shown at the icon do you know you have a msg. It’s annoying to have to keep opening the TeamReach icon just to see if you got any msgs

Change your notifications.


Can you find a list of all teamreach groups in a certain zip code?

How can you Export Data from Teamreach to excel

As the admin, how do I setup TeamReach to send messages out as emails

How to nudge your group in team reach app


That option is selected by the members in their profiles


How do I change the group leader and administrator?

1. Go into the group. 2. Tap the icon that has 2 heads 3. Select the person in the list 4. Under Role, to Change 5. To Leader or Member.


How do I set up a recurring event

How to set a reoccurring event


Well dumbass, the question is in the title...dah


Messages disappear quickly. What controls this?

Pretty sure the leader has the ability to delete messages. Not sure if other members do.


I have created groups as admin but want to comment in my personal capacity. How do i switch between profiles on a android?

how do I delete a direct message?

How do I delete messages in TeamReach?


Don’t know. Ffggggg




Is there an admin setting for the event list to show the user their status yes/no/wait-list for each event without having to tap on each event? Color code or something?

Can I set a notification for people who get moved off the waitlist to the event

How do I include a profile picture?

On the main page, click on the Head icon. This is your Profile. Add a picture here.


Can a leader “pin” a message on the chat feature so it remains at the top of the chat and does not get pushed down when other messages are posted?

Can a member in a group select several other members of the group for 'yes' to play. Also can a member of a group automatically set to "yes" when a group tee time date is sent out?

I am a bit new but here is what I did: click on calendar, click on event date of the choices. Click on view, click on edit. Now you can see everyone on your list and 4 possible responses for each. Click yes for the several you want yes to play. For your second question, make the group rsvp limit one person smaller, knowing that person is already a yes. Then, in the comments, note that person is already playing and note how many more desired.


Can you make an event private so not everyone in the group can see it or join?

How do I do this


I added a nickname but decided I didn't like how it looks. Now I can't remove it. I have to enter a "space" character to make it look like there is no nickname, but setting it to a space leaves a extra line on my name entry when viewing attendees. Is there a way to completely remove a nickname?

My name is on the team reach group 3 times. How do I erase 2 of them?

how do i leave a group


The leader has to delete the extra names


How do I delete my name


How does one delete multi text messages? I belong to seven different Team Reach groups, A couple as a leader, and all these text messages are taking up storage space on my android phone. I know how to do this one at a time, but I am talking months of texts on each group! Is there a delete all or at least twenty at a time method? Thanks!

As manager of the group can I edit a members availability for them?

How do you add a profile picture to appear with your name on the list

Bobpellerin T gf bh G G g


Glitch that is duplicating new entries

For the last few weeks the app is duplicating every new entry I put in. I then have to race to get rid of the duplicate because people sign up super quick. I have to make sure the people that are on the wrong list get on to the right list. I sent in a tech request but hoping maybe somebody else knows


How to delete a comment u see my name/photo

I don’t play games


If I change the group code will I lose all the members? i.e., will all those members have to re-join using the new group code?

How do you ban/ permanently remove a member?

How do I delete a team off my home page if the group has been closed and I’m the administrator?



I don’t know how to remove members fr team reach


Idek bro I’m struggling to unblock someone


How unblock a person


How to delete a direct message

Click on your name of the message you want to delete. When it opens, in the upper right hand corner (outside the colored part) you will see a small trash can icon. Click there.


How do I create a waitlist button on attending screen?

How can I print out who responded yes for a specific week so I can check them in as they show up?

How do I limit number of players

Edit event. Click date. Max player choice is on that page. Be sure to save.


When setting a New event click New Event, Select Date & Time. Once you've indicated Starts & Ends time, at the bottom of that screen is a Slider to turn on Participant limit, select the slider, then enter the limit number. Anyone signing up after that limit will automatically go to a wait list... I think you then select Done. Don't forget to add a Title, then select Add in the upper right. It should say Event Added.


I dont know how to limit


Deborah Johnson



How do you cancel an event due to rain?

How do you edit a word for a notification that is already posted?

How do you post a link?

How do I take attendance - e.g. people to reply yes, no, maybe. After I turn on "Attendance" nothing happens.

You need to make sure that both “Who’s available” and “Take Attendance” are turned on for the event


How to I set up the sign in yes no maybe?


How o I join a group

How do I retrieve a deleted message

How do I export the calendar to my apple calendar?

Can a message from the administrator that is scheduled to be sent at a later time be edited?

How do I add a profile picture

Can the admin see direct messages they are not included on? Maybe from the backend?


How do I set a time on a nudge reminder

How to nudge participants on team reach




Answers from players and users:

RE: How do you delete a group?

Leader needs to tap on their profile, look for "Closed Groups", click on the (right arrow) >, then click "DELETE" Pop Up message appears to verify you want to delete this group....Click YES. Once you click YES , this action cannot be undone.


RE: How do you delete a group?

I just set up a group that I want to delete. How do I do that?


RE: I see as a team leader I can set it up so that I have to approve potential members who are invited by current members. Is there a way to prevent members from being able to invite people to the group? In other words can I set the group up so that only the leader can add people to the group?

How do I limit # iof total people on list?


RE: How to change the size of the group to smaller. When it's already full

You need to edit the maximum amount of players. Once you do this the additional or extra players will be moved to a waitlist automatically. The maximum amount of players choice is on the same page as the date.


RE: How do you delete a group?

Go to the little man on home page or account setup. Go to closed groups. Then delete groups.


RE: how do you modify a response of No, Yes, Maybe

Once you pick an answer the only way to change it is to pick a different answer. So to change it from maybe you just pick yes or no.


RE: When I send a Direct Message to another player, can the Leader view the message?

No I don't believe leader sees the message


RE: How can we add a guest player? It’s not someone who is always on the Member list, but someone who joins us infrequently.

Don’t know the answer


RE: When I send a Direct Message to another player, can the Leader view the message?

No I don't believe I do. I want them to be private


RE: How do you limit the number of players per event? The number changes depending on how many courts we have.

You need to go to the date. Click edit. Oddly the maximum amount of players is in the same screen as the dates. Once you're in the edit click the date and when it comes up you will see the amount of players and you can modify. Then remember to keep clicking save or done. It is a very strange place to have it.


RE: how can i remove my name from attendance marked "maybe" from certain calendar date?

Once you make a choice the only thing to do is to make a different choice. That means if you are noted as a maybe the only thing you can do is go in and click yes or no to change your response. I don't believe you can go back to no decision.


RE: How to change Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Just click on it and it switches


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About TeamReach - Your Team App

TeamReach has everything you need to manage and instantly communicate with your team, club, or group. It's EASY, INTUITIVE, SAFE and FREE!

•  MESSAGES – Squad Reach saves you time and reduces confusion by serving as a central put for all squad communications.
•  SCHEDULES - No more guessing when and where android games and practices are taking place. Contains reminders, maps and forecast.
•  INSTANT UPDATES - Immediately notify your squad of latest minute changes: mobile game time, location, cancellation, uniform, and more.
•  AVAILABILITY - Easily find out who can attend a game, practice or unique happening by sending out an availability request to the group.
•  EVENT DETAILS - Everyone will know the time, place, driving directions, forecast, and attendees.
•  POLLS - Obtain instant squad input on restaurants, practice times, hotels, gear, etc.
•  PHOTOS - Conveniently view, share, and download photos in 1 place.
•  SAFE - It’s an simple method for coaches, players, and parents to communicate safely without exchanging texts, emails, or phone calls.

Free, Easy, & Saves Time
TeamReach is designed to simplify life for everyone involved. Managers and coaches can make and reach out to squads in seconds, and parents or players can easily join by entering a group code. The squad has a central put for all communication, and this eliminates the need for phone calls, emails, and handouts. By the way... it's FREE.

Safe, Protects Coaches, Players & Parents
It's a safe method for coaches, players, and parents to communicate without exchanging contact information. Players do not have access to the coach's number and the coach does not have access to a players' number. It's an simple method to protect everyone and hold the conversation in 1 place.

Right Place, Right Time
We support the squad be at the right put at the right time. Players and parents obtain notified of any schedule changes. Also, the coach or squad manager can reach out and send any latest minute notifications including: change in location, weather delay, mobile game time, cancellation, uniform color, and more.

Great for Any Sport
The TeamReach Application is excellent to reach out and communicate with all types of sports squads and leagues including: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Football, Track & Field, Skating, Diving, Cycling, Running, Skiing, Fencing, Sailing, Bowling, Ice Hockey, Badminton, Athletics, Softball, Cheerleading, Water Polo, Gymnastics, Equestrian, Martial Arts, Swim, Rowing, Spirit Squad, Rugby, Field Hockey, Wrestling, Golf, Cross Country, Cricket, Lacrosse, Tennis, and more.

Perfect for Any Club, Group, or Activity
TeamReach isn’t just for sports management. It’s a awesome Application for any group, club, or activity including: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, Church & Faith Group, Camp, PTO, School, Dance Class, Band, Student Association, Family, Student Government, Charity Group, Fraternity, Sorority, Nonprofit Organization, Book Club, Study Group, Rotary Club, Volunteer Group, Key Club, United Method Chapter, Day Care, and Alumni Associations. Hold it easy for your group and reach out with messages, instant notifications, schedule of meetings, and easily remind everyone of an necessary event.

Other Features:
•  Schedule a reminder to be sent out to your squad
•  Send a map space in a message
•  Ability to have multiple squads or groups (Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Boy Scouts, etc.)
•  Add happenings directly to your phone’s calendar
•  Effortlessly share an happening with mates and family

Get Started Today!


New Features: We have made several enhancements to TeamReach and will continuously make updates on a regular basis.

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More Info:
Device: 4.0.3 and up Content: TeamReach - Your Team App hack tricks Rating: 4.5
Latest update: 2018-03-29 Downloads: 10000-50000 Type: reviews, guides, tips
Size: no data Title: TeamReach - Your Team App cheats from players Device: Android
Author: Straxis Technology File Name: Category: Sports
Added Version: 3.4.1 Content Rating: Everyone Game type: Apk


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